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How We Do Things Around

Here: Anglican Polity

Understanding how and why the church organizes itself is not only a matter of interest for Christians and for their grasp of church history and governance, but it is crucial for full participation in the Church
Tuesday Evenings 4:30pm – 6:30pm EST
October 1-November 12, 2024
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Understanding how – and why – the church organizes itself is not only a matter of interest for Christians and for their grasp of church history and governance, but it is crucial for members of a specific denomination to participate fully in their church – whether in lay or ordained ministry.  It is also important in order for members to maintain the missionality of the particular institution to which they belong.

A thorough knowledge of how we do things around here reminds us of who we are as children of God and members of an historic church.  Knowing how we do things around here at all levels of the church as Anglicans helps us to continue to be a reforming church; it helps us to preserve those things particular to our identity and most importantly, it helps support God’s mission. In short, this is crucial knowledge for every Anglican.

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Your new knowledge and experience will become even more meaningful when shared with other learning practitioners like yourself.


Bishop of Niagara

Bishop Susan Bell

The Right Reverend Dr. Susan J. A. Bell is the current Bishop of Niagara—and she loves to preach!

She loves to study scripture and the ways that it bisects, directs, and shapes the lived reality of believers. She’s a lifelong learner and enjoys the study of culture, and the history of the church. Before serving as the Bishop of Niagara, Bishop Susan was the Canon Missioner for the Diocese of Toronto, and before that, the Chaplain of Havergal College and Associate Priest at St. Martin-in-the-Fields, as well as being Honorary Associate at the Cathedral of St. James in Toronto.

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