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Developing Missional Leaders and Mission Shaped Churches

A Gospel-focused learning community based in the Anglican Diocese of Niagara that equips parishes to respond missionally to the needs of God’s world.

The Niagara School for Missional Leadership centres its learning on the Good News of Jesus Christ. This Good News is, in part, that the Church is called to participate in Jesus’ mission in the world in bringing about the Kingdom of God. Jesus calls us to life and compels us to love, and as we do so, the kingdom breaks into the world around us.

The Niagara School for Missional Leadership is rooted in missional praxis, nurtured by the basic learning tools of practical experience, mentoring, theological reflection, and prayer. Each course combines elements of experiential and gathered learning with the opportunity of being mentored. They will include exposure to missional leadership practitioners, as well as to the art of theological and prayerful reflection.

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Developing Missional Leaders and Mission Shaped Churches

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