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Adaptive Leadership

in Anxious Times

Called to lead when you don't know where you're going
Dates & Times TBD

In these unprecedented times, God continues to lead us in new challenges where the precedented ways of leadership are not always helpful. Yet, this changed and ever-changing world remains the object of God’s missional intentions. God’s Spirit continues to give us gifts for these ventures of faith. We can join in God’s mission with confidence and hope.

The Evangelical Lutheran Book of Worship offers this prayer for evening: “O God, you have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go, but only that your hand is leading us and your love supporting us


What You’ll Learn

This course will introduce you to a particular practice of leadership that equips you to:


Connect to the Core of Our Tradition


Diagnose Issues Accurately


Mobilize Resources Effectively


Respond Creatively to Challenges

Learn together

Practice in your context

Reflect in community

Your new knowledge and experience will become even more meaningful when shared with other learning practitioners like yourself.


Colin Johnson Niagara School for Missional Leadership

The Most Reverend Colin Johnson

The Most Reverend Colin Johnson (he/him) is an Honorary Assistant at St. James Cathedral. He retired as Archbishop of Toronto at the end of 2018. He currently coaches and mentors new bishops and is a board and faculty member of the Episcopal Church’s College for Bishops. He continues to lead conferences, retreats, and workshops in Canada, the US, and Hong Kong. He has particular interest in issues of leadership in challenging times, biblical interpretation, liturgy and prayer, missional strategy, safe church policy, and organizational change. The proud grandfather of three young granddaughters, he is relearning the second verses of old nursery rhymes, amongst his other reading and catching up on Netflix series he missed while working.

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